Our mission is to tackle
inefficiencies in databases

We've helped to fix thousands of database performance issues and most of databases are inefficient due to misuse



NAZAR is a Brazilian company founded in 2014 by Information Technology professionals with over 25 years of experience in database, software engineering and systems administration.

We're here to help you monitor your databases, identify the performance issues, and fix them, saving money and avoiding wasting of natural resources.

NAZAR specializes in Internet products and services, with extensive experience in cloud computing, scalability and performance, maintenance and optimization of complex applications serving multiple customers.

The company is proudly backed by ACE, Wayra Chile, 500 Startups and Launch and has participated in the Start-Up Brazil and Start-Up Chile programs.

Our thesis: Performance wins

In today's digital age, data has emerged as the pivotal element. Each day, we're creating an ever-increasing volume of data, and there's no indication this growth will abate anytime soon.

Data stands as a critical asset for every enterprise, and it's becoming increasingly clear that no organization will make decisions in the near future without leveraging data for value creation.

Thanks to cloud computing, the expense associated with data storage has plummeted, with numerous services now offering complimentary storage allowances.

To unlock and cultivate value from data, executing data operations is essential. This involves retrieving, transferring, transforming, and storing data countless times daily. Such operations have proven to be costly, often significantly affecting business performance.

  • Data is omnipresent
  • Data is invaluable
  • Data storage is affordable
  • Data processing is costly

A database acts as a central hub in many software applications, playing a critical role in their functionality. If a database lags, the business follows suit. Should it fail, the business grinds to a halt.

The manner in which databases manage system load directly influences costs and outcomes. When properly utilized, databases can work wonders. However, with an emphasis on development speed, many projects reach production without proper database optimization, leading to substantial cost implications and diminished user experiences.

We're here to support you.

Monitor, Learn &

NAZAR.AI is the platform for teams that need to improve database performance keeping the costs optimized. It provides the tools to monitor the offensive SQL queries, learn with the data and optimize the costs.

Hop on a call with us and one of our engineers will provide a live demonstration of the NAZAR.AI platform.Get a demo

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